Order Received – Youth Program

Thank you for registering to our Youth Program! Please take a moment to complete the Participant Information Form below if you haven’t already submitted this form for the 2024-25 school year. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at youth@empowersimcoe.ca.

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We ask that all registrants complete the following Participant Information form for 2024-25, regardless of participation in previous years. This will ensure that information remains current for the school year.

Participant Information

Participants Name

Parent/Guardian Information

Emergency Contact

Separate Household – to be contacted in case parent/guardian cannot be reached.


IMPORTANT: Please let us know about any physical, emotional, behaviour, dietary concerns, allergies or medical concerns that we should know about in order to best support the person participating.
Does the participant carry an Epi-pen for any allergies?
*Please note we do not guarantee an allergen-free environment
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